This exploratory study looks at how generative AI can expand student engagement in architectural design studios. It moves beyond simple design automation, focusing on active interaction between students and AI, offering new perspectives on design pedagogy.
This study examines AI integration in architectural design education through ethnographic analysis. It reveals how AI serves as a tool to restructure and advance knowledge while promoting critical discourse and collaboration in design education. The study also highlights challenges such as resource sufficiency and the need for ethical considerations in AI use.
This presentation explores how AI education can move beyond high-performance computing requirements. It introduces a hands-on, manual computing approach used in a graduate architecture course at the University of Calgary, where students manually performed AI exercises without computers, deepening their understanding of AI concepts and promoting inclusivity in education.
Contributed to developing a culturally responsive curriculum, fostering inclusivity and diversity in the educational framework for K-5 students.
Earned the Global Studies Certificate, recognizing a comprehensive understanding of global issues and interdisciplinary studies focused on international relations, cultures, and global perspectives.
Awarded the prestigious POSCO scholarship for excellence in Korean studies, recognizing academic achievements and contributions to advancing the understanding of Korea's history, culture, and society.
Engaged in discussions and initiatives focusing on gender equity and inclusion, contributing to research and advocacy efforts in the academic community.
Delivered a talk on the importance of global education and cultural understanding, inspiring middle school students to embrace diversity and international perspectives.
Guided students through complex STEM projects, providing mentorship and fostering innovation in science and engineering as part of the prestigious international science fair.